Monday, November 10, 2014

Psalm 145:8 Monday – Source of Gratitude

Monday Soap Verse Psalm 145:8 (ESV) “The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” Yahweh is gracious, he shows us divine grace, even when we feel undeserved. God is merciful to us, his children. He, our father is slow to anger meaning He prefers not to show His wrath to us, his children. He, through his mercy gives us time to repent. He simply loves us in an unwavering way that is so much more that we can fathom. This was a verse I needed to let truly sink in today. Even though I feel underserving, I feel as though I have failed, God is a gracious, merciful loving Father. What are your thoughts? sm

Rethinking & Changing our Strongholds

I wish life was a bit easier. Years of just having enough money makes one weary but anxious just waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop. Yet faith should remove that anxious worry feeling, but I am human, and despite my prayers, my pleas, my faith, it seems worrying & fears just creep back in.
So I listen, I pray, I read the His word.
You know our minds are our own worst enemy. We think more about the negative words that have been spoken to us, seemingly ignoring any positive ones. We keep replaying the negative when we need to remind ourselves of Gods positive truths. I am thankful that God continues to nudge my spirit reminding me of all the provisions he has provided. I continue to remind myself if I am complaining, then I need to be thankful for what I do have.
We also tend focus on the problem, what we want to change, allowing this to become the idol. We create a stronghold. “As long as our minds rehearse the strength of our stronghold more than the strength of our God, we will be impotent.” Beth Moore. Each day I worry about money. I remind myself just how bad I am with money and then think of the things we need and want…my idol, my stronghold.
My challenge:
1)      Rethink and replace the negative with God’s truth constantly! Remind myself of God’s continued provision continuously.
2)      Acknowledge the strongholds, the idols which I have allowed before God.
How do you manage the negative thoughts? Do you replace them with Gods truth immediately? Or do you allow them to linger and manifest? What do you do when problems arise? Hard times come knocking? Do you play over and over what YOU can do, what YOU should do, instead of going directly to God?
Rethink & Change your thoughts & strongholds by prioritizing and placing God 1st.
